The Electronic Cover Sheet System: General Process Overview

  1. Anyone with a UW login can log in, confirm their profile information and create an account. They can then create an EC on behalf of the PI, or the PI can create for themself
  2. Creator/PI builds the EC, progressing through the left-hand navigation screens to the point of PI Acceptance
  3. Only the PI can “Accept” an EC, which is their sign-off and is the last step before the workflow process
  4. The PI has to confirm the Approvers listed are as expected, and then “Submit” into approval process
  5. Optionally, the Approver’s Administrator can review the EC, add documents and do one of two actions:
    • Return it to the PI for revisions or
    • Submit it forward to the Approver
  6. Approvers review the EC, add documents and can do one of three actions:
    • Approve
    • Require revisions - return to PI
    • Decline
  7. The EC is approved by all Campus Approvers and is submitted to the OR for processing, which includes:
    • Receipt of notification email to the individual team’s cover sheet mail folder
    • As soon as it is submitted to OR, it will appear in the applicable team’s queue in the EC system
    • Ensuring the record is with the correct team
    • Reviewing the EC, editing & adding documents
    • Adding the appropriate OR Approver(s)
  8. OR Approver reviews the EC and can do one of three actions:
    • Approve
    • Require revisions - return to PI
    • Decline
  9. Once the Approvals are all in place - or - the record is full declined, the EC is considered “Complete”
  10. Once in a “Complete” status:
    • The EC resides in the EC system as the source for both the campus and the OR
    • OR users can edit the record, but only to add the PT number for the corresponding InfoEd record
    • Campus users, if permissions allow, can:
      • View the completed EC in perpetuity
      • Download the EC to PDF

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